Miss Ziggy and I had a delightful Sunday stroll up the big hill from my shop. It has been much too long to get back on the "hill". It's the perfect walk 40 minutes up and a nice down. I had been so long since I had done my walk that a big new house had sprung up, what a surprise. How could this big house have appeared out of nowhere. opps, the months of book work had kept me off my walk. Isn't Ziggy cute. Those freckles.

Nice dirt road, so easy on the feet. Here is the start of the hill. We call this stick season. A good time to get out and hike around. Today was nice and warm with lots of sun. A slow Sunday.

This is my favorite view from my walk. A better camera could have gotten this better, I've always wanted a painting of this view from a little higher up the road.

The view of Haystack Mountain. Our town hike. Maybe Ziggy and I will do that before hunting season. opps, starts tomorrow....my least favorite time of year. It's the biggest holiday for some of the guys in this town.

Another picture of the village from the hill. We've had a great week of warm weather. And of course Obama. Now I finally feel proud to be an American. Yay and thank goodness. We all celebrated. My shop is 2 doors down from the town hall where voting takes place. Everyone asks to put up their political signs and how can I say no.......