First Book Press. Yay. Thanks so much to my neighbor Elizabeth Gibson for putting together the Pawlet Newsletter each season and for including my new or at this point seems old book. Only one more month and it'll be out. It's quite a feat to to break into the book world. Right now it is the funniest time. It is busy at the shop is the usually summer rush despite the economic times so that is great, but the chaos is waiting in the wings....certainly the calm before the storm.
It has been fun to show off my copy of the book to customers, if they were only here now..... to land in nyc in a week....phew. Lots of press copies have gone out far and wide. I have another article coming out any day in Home Lighting and Accessories Magazine, a trade journal to the lighting industry. I am a little HOME-MADE for the industry, but certainly have set some trends over the years.
Back to work, check out the book on Amazon or pre-order a personalized one from me on my website,