Lampshadelady Video, Released Oct. 27th, 2022
This spring a local man by the name of Jerry Scapof posted on our local FB page saying he was making a video on Artisans / Craftspeople of our area and if you are interested reach out to him. Humm, I thought. Oh heavens that sounds pretty hard as I am good at bungling words, always saying the wrong thing, on and on. But the yankee in me thought, it'll be good for my business- why the heck not and maybe it will even be fun!
And it was a blast! And it was over before I even knew it. Yes, I had to take a bunch of plastic off the shades, tidy up my porch, make cookies and tea. Mary Jo, the actress, aka interviewer was fantastic. She was easy to talk with and could probably make anyone chatty, but needless to say we hit it off really easy. We could have talked for days. A super smart lady that once was college president to a few schools in the east. She had people skills for sure.
The videos will be run on The Manchester Cable GNAT-TV in December or on line, too.
I got to see one of the finished videos prior to my video date. That was very helpful to give me a slight clue what I was in for. The video was the famed potter, Susan Leader. Susan and I have been slugging it out for years in many of the same venues. I remember setting up next to Susan at a craft show in Woodstock, VT a good 20 years ago. She was selling hand over fist, sometimes that's a bit depressing when you aren't selling quite so zippy. Here's Susan video. Her husband Bob is the music behind the video. It's great. A few of the other artisans are Johnny Heinrich, Stain Glass Artist as well as Bob Gasperetti. You could say we have all paid our dues and done a little bit of everything to survive in the arts in Vermont!
Thanks so much Jerry, Mary Jo and Eve! You are a great team.