It's been eons since I've posted a DIY Lampshade Project! I thought I'd share one today with you. I found this sweet cotton vintage French fabric recently and thought it was a good one to demo. It's a medium light weight 100% cotton. Hope you enjoy the process. I am not doing workshops these days....too busy trying to keep up! My book, The Lampshade Lady's Guide to Lighting up Your Life is out of print and I am out of copies but is available used on Amazon. I have bought the rights to it and may get it re-printed. Fortunately, it's not too dated except some of the resources. Here are the instructions.
1/2 yd cotton or linen
1 galvanized wire frame- my demo is a hex bell 5" top x 8" bottom x 6" high
quick glue and squeeze bottle or similar craft glue that dries clear
a bunch of good quality clothes pins
1/4' pressure sensitive styrene
ultra thin sharpie
pressure sensitive cloth tape ~3/8" or so. The Lamp Shop calls this Bias Fold Trim Backer.
5/8" cotton/rayon grosgrain.
NOTE: start with a small size lampshade. You'll thank me! They are MUCH easier and faster. Don't expect your first one to be perfect. It will be good but they keep getting better. I generally get most of my materials at The Lamp Shop in Concord, NH. Make sure NOT to buy poly ribbon. It will not glue for the life of you!!! Also you will find more tips my my archives here on my blog. There's lots to's been 30 plus years since my kitchen table lampshade start and I'm still learning new things. Have fun!
STEP 1- Make pattern. Use thin sharpie and mark around the outside of the wire. Then cut out.
STEP 2 - Use pattern and make 5 more panels. I'm making a pair so I'll make 12 total.
STEP 3- Iron fabric. Pull paper backing off the styrene panel and set onto back of fabric. Cut out right along the styrene edge.
STEP 4 Trim panel to fit exactly. I usually have to go back several times to get it to fit perfect. You want the panels to abut and not overlap as they are set onto the frame. See step 8
STEP 5 - run bead of glue around the 4 edges of the first panel. Less is more!
STEP 7 set panel on top of glue and secure with clothes pins.
STEP 8 - finish putting all styrene / fabric panels onto wire. You can see here how the panels should fit. Takes practice to get them this smooth. Trim up if needed. Easiest to do now that later.
STEP 9 - I like to use a long ribbon to hold everything in place while drying. It takes 20 minutes at the most.
STEP 10 Make vertical trims. Cut 6 stripes from the cloth tape also known as pressure sensitive cloth tape or bias trim fold backer. Make them same height as the shade and set onto the back of the fabric. Cut out saving about 1/3" on either side of the tape.
STEP 11- Add glue and fold back onto the tape.
STEP 12- Continue adding glue to the other side and fold back onto the tape.
STEP 13- hand press to make sharp edges.
Step 14- fold in half with the back side inside the fold. This will help the trim glue onto the shade.
STEP 15- add glue to back side of the trim
STEP 16- set onto the shade rib. Hand press to secure. Remove any excess glue with fingernail.
STEP 17-Cut grosgrain for top and bottom; measure around top and add one inch. Same for bottom. Must be 40% cotton to stick!!! VERY IMPORTANT. To make fabric trims for top and bottom use the grosgrain ribbon as your yard stick. Cut the same length as ribbon and make similar to the sides/ribs trims.
STEP 18 adding glue for the grosgrain ribbon. Half of the ribbon will glue to the front of the shade and the other half will glue inside the lamp shade.
STEP 19- Cut excess ribbon on diagonal. Over lap 1/2" and glue down onto where it started.
STEP 20 detail of above
STEP 21 another detail, adding glue
STEP 22 - Adding glue to the inside of the ribbon. This takes practice to know how much glue to use. I use enough to secure it smoothly but you do not want so much that it bleeds.
STEP 23- trick for the corners, gather them 3 or 4 times with your thumb to make a nice corner. This takes practice, too. I know I make it look easy.
STEP 24 - Use your nail to tuck the grosgrain under the wire for a neat edge.
STEP 25 - Try to make the edge straight... the lucky part is I almost always add another trim on top if it's not perfectly straight. The finishing trim conceals any flaws!
STEP 26- Add grosgrain onto the top just like the bottom.
STEP 27 - adding the glue to the inside of the ribbon. Note: also make a small snippet where the ribbon will go over the clip top. Only about 1/4". One on each side. I do not show the snippet here, sorry.
STEP 28- You can see where I make the snippet here around the clip top. This photo shows getting the grosgrain snug under the wire for a professional finish.
STEP 29- To make the top and bottom self trims. Glue the same as the vertical trims.
STEP 30- add glue and fold onto the tape
STEP 31- folding onto the tape, detail
STEP 32 - Top self trim is ready to add. Do a few inches at a time. I start adding at the same spot the grosgrain started.
STEP 33- Sometimes it helps to work on your lap. The hardest part about starting a new craft is how to handle the items. I've learned to work lower than higher. Every step has it's own tricks that you will find work best for you. I have so many that I don't even realize that I do:)
STEP 34- When adding the self trims I give them a tug on the corners to help them go on smooth. If you use clothes pins to help secure the trim make sure not to leave them on long or they will leave marks on the trim.
STEP 35- adding the fabric trim to the bottom.
Feel free to ask questions. There is lots of info on DIY in the archives here on my blog. Don't worry too much about your first shade; they get better. It's a fun craft!
Thanks and good luck,